10 Essential Tango Steps Every Beginner Should Master

Tango is a beautiful and passionate dance that originated in Argentina. If you’re new to tango, there are a few essential steps you should master. Here’s a guide to get you started on your tango journey.

Introduction to Tango

Argentine tango is a dance of connection and elegance. It’s not just about the steps; it’s about the feeling. Whether you’re aiming to perform in the Best Tango Show in Buenos Aires or simply enjoy the dance, learning the basics is key.

1. The Embrace

The embrace is the heart of tango. It’s how partners connect. A good embrace is firm but flexible, allowing both partners to move freely.

2. Walking (El Camino)

Walking in tango is unlike regular walking. It’s smooth and gliding. Practice walking forward and backward with your partner.

3. The Basic Eight (La Base)

The basic eight steps are the foundation of many tango movements. Mastering these will help you navigate the dance floor with ease.

4. The Cross (La Cruzada)

The cross is a simple yet elegant step where the follower crosses one foot over the other. It’s a crucial move in many tango sequences.

5. The Ocho

The ocho is a figure-eight movement performed by the follower. It can be done forward or backward and adds a flowing, graceful element to the dance.

6. The Pivot

Pivoting allows dancers to change direction smoothly. It’s an essential skill for executing more complex steps and turns.

7. The Gancho

The gancho, or hook, involves one dancer hooking their leg around their partner’s leg. It’s a dramatic and stylish move often seen in tango performances.

8. The Sacada

In a sacada, one dancer displaces the other’s leg with their own. This step adds a dynamic element to the dance.

9. The Volcada

The volcada involves the follower leaning forward into the leader, creating a beautiful off-balance moment. It requires trust and connection between partners.

10. The Colgada

The colgada is the opposite of the volcada, with the follower leaning outward. It’s a visually stunning move that showcases the dancers’ balance and coordination.


Mastering these essential tango steps will set a solid foundation for your dance journey. Whether you’re taking Tango Classes in Argentina or enjoying Argentine tango holidays, practice and passion will help you excel. Ready to take your first step? Visit ArgentinaTango.com for more tips, lessons, and resources to enhance your tango skills.

For more information on tango shows and classes, visit argentinatango.com.

To explore tango holidays and lessons, check out argentinatango.com.

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